- 01/21/2025 Our paper published on Advanced Materials has been selected for frontispiece image.
- 01/06/2025 Welcome Dylan Correll to join our lab as a PhD student!
- 12/17/2024 Our paper "ASb3Mn9O19 (A = K or Rb): New Mn-Based Two-Dimensional Magnetoplumbites with Geometric and Magnetic Frustration" has been accepted by Advanced Materials! Congrats to Jianyi and Gina!
- 12/16/2024 Welcome Chaoguo Wang to rejoin our lab as a PhD student! Chaoguo was an undergraduate researcher in our group.
- 10/23/2024 Chaoguo and Gina's paper Evolution of Ferromagnetism and Electrical Resistivity in Sb-Doped Cr4PtGa17 has been accepted by the Journal of Alloys and Compounds! This is the work completed by Chaoguo when he was an undergraduate in the group. Great work!
- 08/01/2024 Gina won the PQI Fellowship award. Congrats!!
- 07/12/2024 Xin attended the "Neutrons and Complementary Techniques for Quantum Materials" workshop hosted at ORNL. Very enjoyable experience!
- 5/17/2024 Gina passed her comprehensive exam! She's now a PhD candidate! Congrats to Gina!
- 05/13/2024 Welcome new undergraduate researchers, Graham Leavitt and Beck O'Brien, to our group!
- 04/19/2024 Xin attended the NOBCChE Collaborative Spring Conference at Hampton University. It was a great experience meeting with faculty at Hampton chemistry and talk about DEI and research.
- 04/17/2024 Xin gave a talk at PQI event 2024 about crystal-defect-controlled magnetism in quantum materials.
- 04/02/2024 Gina received the travel award to the 2024 ACA Summer Course in Chemical Crystallography. Congrats Gina!
- 03/01/2024 Congrats to Jianyi on getting the 2024 Wass Summer Research Fellowship!
- 01/31/2024 Our manuscript about Dy3Pt2Sb4.48 has been accepted by Inorganic Chemistry!
- 11/21/2023 Our first publication has been accepted by the Journal of Materials Chemistry C today! Congrats to Gina! Wonderful work!
- 10/17/2023 Xin gave an invited talk on the 80th Pittsburgh Diffraction Conference. It was such a great experience to meet people who work on solid-state chemistry and quantum materials!
- 10/03/2023 Xin gave an invited talk on the MS&T23 meeting in Columbus, Ohio and chaired the same session.
- 05/31/2023 Gina has passed her prelim exam! Congrats!
- 05/01/2023 Welcome a new undergraduate researcher, Jianyi Chen, to our group!
- 04/05/2023 Xin gave a guest lecture at Hampton University about solid-state chemistry and quantum materials.
- 03/02/2023 Congrats to Chaoguo on getting the 2023 Wass Summer Research Fellowship! He'll be working with us this summer.
- 02/23/2023 Our research about quantum spin liquids is funded by Pitt Momentum Funds for a year! First fund!
- 01/13/2023 Welcome Elijah Worley to our lab! Elijah is a freshman at Pitt who joins us for the First Experience in Quantum (FEQ) program.
- 12/19/2022 Welcome Gina Angelo to our lab! Gina is a first-year graduate student.
- 10/27/2022 Welcome Chaoguo Wang to our lab! Chaoguo is an undergraduate student from Pitt who will graduate in 2024.
- 09/14/2022 Xin gave a talk on PQI 2022 annual meeting. It was fun to know so many great colleagues who are working on different fields in Quantum Information Science.
- 09/08/2022 Welcome Megan Stasik to our lab! Megan is an undergraduate student from Pitt who will graduate in 2023.
- 08/22/2022 Our group website is finally published online.
- 08/22/2022 One of our labs has done renovation! Can't wait to do some syntheses!
- 07/29/2022 Xin just attended 2022 Solid State Chemistry Gordon Research Conference. It was very nice to meet so many excellent solid-state chemists there!
- 03/31/2022 Xin accepted the offer from Pitt. What an exciting day!